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Sophrology, an answer for the well-being of body and mind in 2021


The definition of happiness is subjective, but it is fair to say that the very essence of happiness is nourished in the tranquility of the soul. Sophrology is your journey to ataraxy.


She owes her art to the inspirations of two worlds, in the West for the techniques of hypnosis and relaxation and in the East through meditationand yoga. Gentle psycho-corporal methods that bring broad therapeutic virtues.
A beautiful promise of improving your quality of sleep, to which are added techniques of futurization. In stress-generating situations, sophrology allows a better management of your emotions and to detach from daily annoyances.


Always in a quest for balance and harmony, it is beneficial for the pains due to the imbalance of our body. Relaxation and meditation exercises have the ambition to make you much more peaceful. This multicultural elixir is the key to reach fullness, to animate all one’s potential and to harmonize one’s consciousness.  Essentially to become one between your body and mind, to create osmosis.

Why sophrology? Meeting with Valérie Desvignes, Laughter in Beaujolais!

We went to meet Rire-en-Beaujolais to learn more. Valérie Desvignes (director) agreed to answer our questions.


What is sophrology? And why it is today a natural care for our body and soul?

Sophrology is a training of the body and the spirit for the purpose of daily well-being. It is a set of body exercises and breathing simple to discover in session or recording. These methods are to be assimilated in order to integrate them without recording. We condition our body to good practices that affect our way of living with almost invisible changes in our daily life.


In the end, we can say that sophrology is :


  • A study of consciousness in balance in order to give oneself the right steps. To learn how to better manage our emotions and thus life.
  • A pedagogy of existence since it works by transmission. It is enough to learn to review a little his way of life and to be more with the listening of oneself.

Bringing each person back to body consciousness

Case study with IRTER, a sophrology exercise to be done together!

Inspiration: through the nose.
Retention: lungs full, we hold our breath.
Tension: contraction of all the muscles, from head to feet.
Exhalation: through the mouth and strongly to expel accumulated tensions and negative thoughts.
Relaxation of all the muscles by becoming aware of the well-being felt and the calm that this induces.


This exercise allows us to contract the body to better relax it. A form of mechanism develops over time.

Présentation de la Sophrologie

Sophrology and health crisis, how Covid-19 could bring us closer to ourselves ?

Today’s anxiety-provoking climate is forcing us to put more stress on ourselves. Anxiety, anxiety and other thoughts parasitize our minds. In the media, we only talk about that… Sophrologists experts would like to be mobilized to prevent and help people in moral suffering.
Sophrology makes it possible to bring each person back to the consciousness of his body. “Today, we are too much in the head! We must evacuate the physical but also mental tensions! »


Bringing out difficult emotions gives way to more pleasant thoughts.

Sophrology: your ally at home, at work and … in hotels!

Hotel Lutetia : The mythical Parisian palace is getting into detox

Immersion Retreat – Satiam Yoga in “Vieux Castillon”

Body & Mind in harmony at Château de l’Épinay

SOURCES, well-being and detox by Eléonore and Adeline Guérard

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