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How to promote your hotel in 2021?

Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous donner quelques astuces pour faire connaître votre hôtel en 2021 et lui faire acquérir une plus grande visibilité auprès de votre cible. Il est possible que vous soyez parfois perdus car les techniques de marketing, de communication et de publicité sont en perpétuelles changements. Pour faire connaître votre hôtel, vous aurez les moyens digitauxqui sont apparus avec l’essor d’internet et les moyens classiques qui jouent toujours un rôle dans votre visibilité. Mais avant de vous éclairer sur les pratiques à réaliser pour vous faire connaître ou gagner en visibilité, vous devez impérativement avoir en tête deux choses. La première est la / les cibles de votre établissement et la seconde est votre positionnement, c’est-à-dire les valeurs de votre hôtel.

The digital

The digital transition is affecting all sectors even the hotel industry. The uses, habits and behaviors are changing in order to adapt to this digitalization of the hotel industry. You should know that the traveler is increasingly connected, digital and demanding. As a result, the sector has begun its mutation in order to respond to new expectations. Consumers do not hesitate to favor the hotel that best meets their requirements to the detriment of other criteria such as loyalty, proximity or hospitality. Today, new technological imperatives are joining the fundamentals to meet your customers’ needs. You will find in this section new digital opportunities. They will be able to set you apart from the competition and make your hotel known to as many people as possible.

How to be on the first page google with your hotel in 2021?

In a few words, the referencing consists of implementing practices that we will mention below. The goal is to make your website appear in search engines and make it gain positions in order to be on the first pages of results during a search. A must if you want to promote your hotel via digital.

How to properly reference your hotel website on the internet

Use SEO for hotel SEO in 2021

First, we have the natural referencing also called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which means in French an optimization for search engines such as Qwant, Google, Bing… Natural referencing is free. If you want to do it by yourself you must start by knowing the golden rules of SEO. And you should also understand that beyond the technical aspects, it is especially important to put yourself in the shoes of Internet users and understand how they browse in order to best optimize your website.


To do this, you need to ask yourself two questions:


What are they looking for on the web?
What is it that keeps Internet users on a web page?


Then keep in mind that SEO is about optimizing a website for visibility purposes. You should also know that almost all internet users almost never visit the second page of Google results. So you need to think about your visibility with the sole objective of being and staying present on the first page of search results.


To do this, each page of your website must contain:


  • Relevant, varied content (text, images, videos) and many keywords
  • Drafting the URLs by defining with keywords the content of the page
  • The writing of meta titles and meta descriptions


For an optimal SEO of your website, you can call on SEO professionals. You can also get trained through many online courses. Want to delve deeper into the topic, here are 20 tips for successful SEO.

Use ATS for hotel SEO

The paid search engine optimization or SEA for Search Engine Advertising refers in a simplified way to advertising on search engines. SEA therefore refers to the use of advertising links in the form of text or images on search engines. In SEA, advertising space is primarily purchased through auctions on google ads and on a pay-per-click basis by targeting specific queries through keywords. Paid referencing is advantageous when you want to make your hotel known quickly. Indeed, it allows you to place your site in a short time in the results of search engines, unlike natural referencing. This option is the most recommended if you want to obtain significant results quickly.

différence entre SEA & SEO

What is the importance of your website?

In the age of digital and new technologies, it is highly recommended that you have your own website especially if you want to be ahead of your competitors. And it is thanks to your website that Internet users will be able to have a visual of your establishment in mind and access the various services you make available. Thanks to a website available at all hours, you will develop your customer portfolio while building loyalty among those already existing. Having one for your hotel has become essential for your business today. For a qualitative website, you must also respect some golden rules as during the referencing seen previously.  We will look at four areas that you should not neglect to gain visibility and acquire new visitors to your website.

The content of a website

As we have just seen, a quality editorial content on the pages of a website positively influences natural search engine optimization, your visibility and the return on investment. You will have understood, you should never neglect the content of your site which is the showcase of your hotel. You must have content but it must also be updated, updating content is essential. Through this you put forward a living site that is maintained. And at the same time you gain the confidence of your customers.


Moreover, the content of your hotel website must be adapted to the web because reading on screen is different from reading on paper. Indeed, reading online is less comfortable (25 to 30% slower) so it is necessary to be more concise when writing. You need to think like an internet user. Your content must be credible and assuring. To do this, we advise you to multiply the signs that reinforce trust such as guarantees on your services (payment security, delivery conditions…). That’s not all, as a hotel you undoubtedly welcome people of all nationalities, so it is important that your website is a multilingual content. You can make available to them an English, Spanish, German or other version of the site, it depends on the majority of your customers.


And finally, it must be adapted to all surfaces (computer, mobile, tablet …), you need your content and even your site to be responsive.

The usability of a website

The ergonomics of your website also plays into your visibility and the values you want to convey. First of all, the importance of an inciting homepage. Indeed, it is the most visited page, the homepage is most often used as an entry point, the one to which we return to orient ourselves. A good home page should reveal at a glance the richness of your website and the activity of your company. You should know that 71% of Internet users leave a website from the home page when they can’t quickly identify what it offers. And 46% abandon the site when its general appearance does not inspire confidence or when the navigation is not intuitive.


In addition, you also need to logically organize the architecture of your content. Information architecture is the art of organizing access to content. It starts with the choice of headings, the way they are grouped, named and prioritized. The objective is to highlight the richness of your hotel activities, facilitate access to crucial information and channel the updating of content. You must always think about the well-being of the Internet user, know his expectations to satisfy them as well as possible.

A suitable graphic design

The graphic quality greatly influences the credibility of the site and the brand image. That’s why you should also pay attention to the graphic design of your website. The visual consistency is necessary, it allows visitors to identify your site and gives it a certain credibility. It is important to adapt the tone and interface of your site to your audience.


Some tips:


  • Frame your images to the main subject
  • Choose the right format, usually JPEG for photographs and GIF (or PNG) for icons, buttons or graphics.
  • Use a white background, you will gain readability at the same time as lightness.

An interactive site

Let’s finish with the interactivity of your site, which can affect bookings, credibility and visibility of your hotel. Ask yourself some questions to make sure your site is interactive. Among them:


Is it easy to contact you?
Are you responding effectively to your visitors’ messages?
Are the forms easy to use?
Are online reservations easy to make?

What is Netlinking for a Hotel website

It is important to know how to handle netlinking for your hotel website. We explain why. Netlinking is a powerful strategy for your hotel in 2021 because it aims to get links pointing to your website. This is also known as backlinks. The principle is simple, you have to convince a website to share the URL of your site in one of its articles or publications. Netlinking allows you to attract more internet users to your website. It also increases the number of clicks to it which results in a better positioning in the google algorithm. However, you need to think about the sites you want to be positioned on. The theme must touch the tourism, the hotels, there must be a concrete link with your activity and your services.

Email campaigns

Why do email marketing

The emailing allows you to get the word out about your hotel and at a lower cost. Moreover, the return on investment is easily measurable thanks to many online tools. These allow you to launch your campaigns but also to analyze them. Emailing is a very targeted marketing lever. Indeed, thanks to emailing, you can target a specific audience that will be more likely to be interested in the services you offer. You can target your audience according to various criteria, geographical, demographic, travel… A well-targeted campaign will allow you to increase your visibility with your prospects and acquire new bookings. In addition, email remains the preferred means of communication for the French.  In fact, 77% of Internet users prefer to receive promotional offers by email. Emailing helps build customer loyalty and increase their overall shopping cart.

How to stand out in 2021?

You need to stand out from the competition in order to spread the word about your hotel. Every day, Internet users receive dozens of emails. So you need to make a difference.
First, optimize the content of each emailing according to the data you have previously collected on your target. Moreover, it is important to create proximity with it by using catchy titles and personalized objects… Then, we advise you to put forward only one product or service in order not to lose the Internet user who will be faced with too many choices.


Secondly, send your campaign at the right time. Indeed, for sending emailing there are periods that are more favorable than others. You will be able to realize this as you go along with your campaigns or simply find out beforehand. The ideal day is difficult to determine. Tuesday is mentioned as the day where the average opening rate is the highest this is not necessarily fixed. However, as far as sending time we would advise you in the morning between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. and between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. But it still depends on the target and your offer.


Mailing campaigns are still relevant today, which highlights the importance of continuing to do them. Their purpose is to build loyalty and make your hotel known to your customers or prospects.

les avantages de l'emailing

Social networks

How to communicate about your hotel

Including the social networks in your communication plan has become essential today. Nevertheless, each social network has its specificity and their usefulness differs depending on the objectives you want to achieve. First of all, determine with precision several points: your target, your objectives, your content strategy and your choices according to your resources.


To reach the right target, the question is “who are your products and services for? “. Having a precise target allows you to direct communication that makes sense. A tool like the persona will allow you to precisely define your target.

The goals of social networks

Determine your objectives before choosing one or more social networks because not all of them meet your objectives in the same way, we will detail it soon. There are basically five goals that social networks can achieve.


  1. Develop a community around your values and gain notoriety
  2. Exchange directly with your community and customers
  3. Promote your services and attract new bookings
  4. Improve your website’s SEO
  5. Attract influencers and prove your expertise
The content strategy

Next, you need to develop a content strategy. This consists of clearly defining the messages you want to convey, you need alignment with your values and services. Specifically, we’re talking about your editorial line. Your editorial line consists of identifying the themes you want to talk about, determining an editorial schedule with the frequency of publication. It is necessary to create relevant content related to your values or to relay content from your own watch but always related to your services and values. Consistency is important to unite your community. And finally, determine what type(s) of content you want to share, rather articles, videos, photos, infographics, or several formats at the same time.


Content is the foundation of your social media strategy. Last tips, focus your communication on useful information that will give added value to your community. Promotional information should be avoided, produce multimedia content and adapt it to each social network. Moreover, as said before, each social network has its specificity. You must therefore adapt your editorial line to each of them. Finally, studying the communication of your competitors will allow you to analyze the most engaging content.


To grow your community and to gain in visit rate on your site you must put icons that send to your social networks and vice versa. You should also put your website address on your social networks so that people who only know you via social networks can discover your website.

les 5 objectifs
Their specifics
The usefulness of Facebook to promote a hotel

Why choose this social network? First of all, Facebook is the largest social network. In France, there are about thirty million accounts. Facebook is primarily focused on BtoC, but it remains the must-have social network for companies, small or large. It allows you to develop a community around your values. It can make you gain notoriety and also get a direct exchange with your community or your customers. A social network that will make you known to the greatest number.


For the communication of the hotel we advise you a professional page. This will allow you to disseminate and promote your content related to your hotel, services, offers, articles … The information on your page is public all people can have access to your content. The use of a Facebook business page has significant advantages to include it in your communication and customer acquisition strategy.

Use LinkedIn to list a hotel

With fourteen million users in France, choosing LinkedIn as a social network for your hotel can be beneficial. LinkedIn allows any business to access expertise groups, find a contact or business, prospect and also enhance its expertise through information sharing. However, LinkedIn only targets professionals, it is not a social network suitable for BtoC. But in your case, this network can be interesting because you could put forward your services for companies. For example, you can put forward that your hotel has the capacity to host seminars, colloquiums… And through this one, you will be able to contact the people who are in charge of organizing these events.


Choosing this social network is ideal if your goal is to develop your professional network, to make yourself known to a target BtoB and to recruit new collaborators.

Instagram: the social network to promote a hotel

Launched today ten years ago, Instagram is a rapidly growing social network. It has over fourteen million monthly active users in France. A social network considered one of the best in terms of engagement. However, it is crucial to know that Instagram is a social network based on the visual, the storytelling. Young people are particularly fond of it. Instagram is interesting because hotels are part of the market niches where the photo is predominant such as fashion, food, travel, art… To publicize your hotel you will be able to highlight your place with attractive visuals in line with your editorial line. Choosing this social network can be a plus for your hotel to communicate through visuals and thus create proximitywith your audience.


We have a few tips to give you in order to take full advantage of the visibility that this social network offers you. First of all, as we mentioned before, you need to present a consistent visual identity with some harmony in your feed with filters or a recurring element. Then, to reach your community and gain visibility, you must regularly publish your visual experiences. You must publish once a day and at the same time. Nevertheless, if you lack time go for five days, choose the days when your interaction is the best.

The importance of hashtags


An essential, the hashtags, they are the ones that will make your hotel known more easily, to a wider and targeted audience. Don’t forget them. In addition, you should be active, liking posts related to your theme, and absolutely respond to messages from your followers. Finally, you will need to monitor your results, analyze them in order to optimize your visibility and increase the engagement of your subscribers.

These three social networks are the most appropriate to promote your hotel. There are others but their specificities would not correspond with your visibility objective.


To make your hotel known to as many people as possible you can use influencers. They are the ones who will influence people’s behavior in your favor. They will be able to put forward all the assets of your hotel establishment. There are different influencers depending on the size of their community. The mega influencers with more than a million followers. The macro-influencers have between one hundred thousand to one million subscribers. The micro-influencers have between five thousand and one hundred thousand subscribers. And nano influencers have a community of less than five thousand subscribers. Depending on which category the influencer belongs to, their power, flexibility and paid vary. You also need to target the influencer that matches your values and your theme which is travel and accommodation.

Reach out to the

For your hotel, you can choose from a variety of campaigns to engage influencers. Here are a few to get you started.


  • Engage influencers. To do this, reach out to photographers, bloggers and other influencers and invite them to stay at your hotel or join you for drinks or a hosted meal. In exchange, you’ll get to write and publish their experiences. It’s a give and take situation like a partnership.
  • A contest can be a great way to encourage people to post and share content about your hotel. Users and influencers on social networks thus become your spokesperson. For guaranteed sharing, you should offer an attractive giveaway and add as a condition of participation the sharing of the post. A contest makes you gain visibility and subscribers.

Online Tourism Agency (OTA)

The OTAs are online travel agencies that offer to book various services from their websites including hotel services. Among the best known are, Expedia, and Trivago. OTAs are another solution to make your hotel known. Being listed on an OTA has become essential. In fact, OTAs are positioned as absolute leaders with 71% of digital market share in 2018.

The benefits of OTA

Your hotel will be able to enjoy many benefits by being listed on one or more OTAs. You will benefit from their brand image. This, generates for you an increase in visibility of your hotel and will ensure a high occupancy rate. Simplified reservation management. As a manager you will only need to regularly ensure the validity of the rates as well as the availability. And finally, being on the OTAs will make you gain new customers, thanks to the translation of the sites into several languages. These, inform customers about possible activities and attractions in the location they are focusing their searches.

The disadvantages of OTAs

The first criticism is primarily about the high commissions. These can vary between 15% and 22% which impacts the profitability of hotels. There is also the rate parity. OTAs impose on hotels when signing the contract, the assurance that the hotel’s rates will never be lower than those offered on OTAs. Thus, the hotels no longer have control over the rate policy. And finally, you will gain new customers thanks to the OTAs but you will not gain any customer information because when you book on the OTAs, the hotel does not get any information. This is problematic because you will not be able to analyze or know what you have sold.


As you can see, working with OTAs has its drawbacks. However, in view of the current economic situation and the considerable weight of digital distribution, it would be unthinkable to completely separate yourself from them. Nevertheless, you can use them optimally and compare customer acquisition costs according to the distribution channel used. And thus, see which channels are the most profitable and act accordingly.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is another tool that will help spread the word about your hotel. In recent years digital advertising has grown significantly and offers a wealth of channels and formats. Historically, digital advertising in definition includes display and search. Today, we can define it simply as advertising carried out on the internet and its various terminals such as computers, tablets, smartphones… In less than ten years, digital advertising has become thefirst communication lever for advertisers. In addition, it allows you to achieve visibility with your target audience.

Search, a way to reference your hotel in 2021

The search or the paid referencing corresponds to advertising on search engines. It alone captures 42% of advertisers’ budgets in France. It consists of the purchase of keywords in search engines. By buying them, you seek to optimize your presence in the results of Internet users’ requests. With Google this happens in the interface “google ads” and thanks to it you can easily follow your campaign. The search allows you to face the tough competition in your field. Thanks to the search you will appear as an ad at the top of the search engines. A not inconsiderable visibility.

How to attract customers to a hotel with social media?

You can also promote your hotel using social ads. These correspond to advertising on social networks. It takes up 25% of budgets in Franceand its growth is sustained at 21%. Social ads are mostly mobile. Your content on social networks will appear under the mention “sponsored” and will make you gain a great visibility in the news feed of Internet users. Sponsoring posts also allows you to gain subscribers and thus have the opportunity to acquire new customers.

Using Display to get exposure

It refers to internet advertising with space buying, use of graphic and visual elements on websites it is e-advertising. There are several segments of the display. Indeed, we find the classic spaces such as banners, square … And also videos, special operations and audio ads that are experiencing strong development. All this, if the locations are previously elaborated, can guarantee a great visibility for your hotel. The display has many advantages. Indeed, it allows a great reach of the campaigns and to address different target groups at the same time. You have several choices of formats and advertising concepts. The graphic banners are compatible with the application formats.


In addition, performance analysis is real with the help of cookies and other tracking methods. Thus, users are immediately encouraged to book. They help build the image, reputation of your hotel and increase your visibility. And finally, online ads are ideal for retargeting actions (retargeting).


Digital advertising is also a tool not to be neglected when you want to make your hotel known.

How to present a hotel

Opening a blog among hoteliers is not a reflex, yet it plays an important role in the visibility of your hotel. It allows you to differentiate yourself. The more you will be present on the web and the easier it will be for you to make known your activity in order to become a reference in your field. Your blog will serve you to be responsive and appear in the results page for words that are not very important but nevertheless very numerous. In the hotel industry, the blog will allow you to communicate differently with your visitors. In general, your website highlights your services and values, but it does not talk about what is happening in your hotel or about the news related to the field. It is the blog that will change all that.


Indeed, it allows you to tell stories, to put forward people or actions that you would not do on your website. The blog will be able to talk about everything that happens around your establishment, your territory, your field of expertise, castles, museums, tours, excursions … The topics of a blog are multiple. Thanks to this blog your site will become reactive and the searches of the Internet users will generate an important traffic towards it.


However, creating a blog and making it active requires a lot of time. Indeed, it is necessary to feed it continuously and to write more or less long articles. If your blog is not updated, it will end up serving your hotel site and give a bad image. In addition, you must also put links that link back to your hotel site. They are not two separate sites but they work in symbiosis. The blog linked to your hotel site helps to improve its positioning and visibility.

Digital event

Digital events will once again help you gain visibility and exposure to a new audience.


The Giveaway

Are you familiar with the contest game method of fidelizing, rewarding or even animating your communities? The principle remains the same as most games.  It allows you to get the word out about your hotel by asking to like the photo, tag a friend and share to get a wider reach without doing anything. It’s sort of like free advertising. The advantage of contests is mainly based on the viral side by rotating on social networks. It will be seen by a multitude of people especially if you add the “tag a friend” rule.   The tag will improve your positioning on social networks, develop your brand image and create buzz around you. For a hotel, setting up a contest is a good way togenerate traffic to your website and win bookings.

The physical

In the age of digital and digitization, many people tend to forget the importance of including in their SEO strategy a print communication. The latter is based on the use of traditional channels such as print media, flyers or print advertising.  Indeed, print communication remains a powerful vector that will allow you to make your hotel and consequently your brand known. It includes different tracks that will thus help you develop your notoriety.

The press

The press is not at a standstill and it still impacts readers. It would be interesting for your hotel to appear in the print media. Indeed, the use of the written press for advertising communication allows a very good targeting by center of interest. In addition, it is a powerful reference medium with millions of readers every month. However, you need to target which press would best correspond to your values and the services you offer as a hotel. Thanks to these diverse and tailored formats, the traditional press will allow you to work on the awareness of your hotel and will ensure a targeted audience.

Direct mail to get known

Direct mail is part of the marketing mix best practices for structures that want to communicate information, documents or event invitations directly to their customers. Whether it’s a paper version (through mailings, brochures or printed documents), an electronic version (emails to contacts), or via SMS or MMS messages, direct mail remains a winning practice for effective communication. Easy to set up, all you need to do is use direct mail management platforms accessible with a simple Internet connection. This will allow you to organize your direct mailings and organize your data according to the chosen communication channel.

Article/press release/press relations

It is very often said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  However, we must realize that the text also has a lot of impact in the choice and the perception that we have of a hotel. To do this, we advised you to write releases or press kits. For this, you must be based on reliable, rich and accurate information about your establishment, while taking care to take care of the form. They will then be distributed to journalists, bloggers or influencers previously contacted by encouraging them to make reports or write articles that will be dedicated to your hotel. The goal is to distinguish you from the competition and to gain credibility with your target audience.


You can also entrust your hotel to Unique Hotel Spa who will be in charge of writing an article about it. In addition, these same press releases will also improve your visibility on search engines through shared links.

The advertising insert at the service of your referencing

The advertising insert will also allow you to extend your visibility. It traditionally corresponds to an advertising print present on a magazine or newspaper placed in a free way, stapled, slipped or laid. More expensive than a basic advertising insert, the advertising insert is a particularly effective format that has several significant advantages. The advertising insert gives a better visibility for a better ROI. It also offers custom segmentation in terms of geolocation and a convenient format that can easily be kept or sent back.

Local & National Events

Today, the world of Events plays an important role in increasing the visibility of a hotel. Long considered as a “cherry on the cake”, it has proven by its efficiency that it is now a real media in the world of communication. Indeed, through an original and well-organized event, a hotel can retain its clientele and attract new ones, thanks in particular to its notoriety. However, before taking part in an event (such as an SBE show, workshop or eductour), it is imperative that you define the objectives to be achieved and the messages to be conveyed in order to choose the right event. The advantage of using this type of media is that it will allow you to get in direct contact with your customers in a friendly setting, different from that of pure prospecting.

Showroom / workshop / eductours /

A trade show is not chosen at random. In view of the very large number of trade shows that exist at the national and international level, you must imperatively determine which one will be the most suitable to meet your quantitative and qualitative objectives. Very often dedicated to promotion, the trade show is an event that will allow your hotel to meet a qualified audience. It also allows you to obtain immediate visibility while developing a customer portfolio. The SBE show is a great opportunity for you, as this one is dedicated to event players.


A workshop is an ideal professional meeting point. It offers visitors the opportunity to meet professionals and experts in a particular sector. Human in size, this event is designed to encourage face-to-face exchanges between visitors and exhibitors. By participating in workshops, your hotel will be able to improve its visibility with its target audience and gain notoriety through qualitative prospecting.


A Eductours is a special event. Its purpose is to make discover and promote a structure, a destination or a service to a selection of qualified visitors according to specific specifications. Organizing and/or participating in an Eductours will allow your hotel to get known to the coveted target and establish its brand image.

Street marketing

The street marketing is an action that is part of direct marketing. It consists of going to meet future customers while using the public street as a communication medium. The street marketing operation will allow your hotel to stand out bypassing traditional advertising techniques. It can go from a simple distribution of flyers to billboards through staging. Actions that will allow your hotel to promote itself by highlighting all the information about your identity and your brand image.


Making partnerships remains an essential way to make your structure known. It is therefore advisable to establish partnerships with various local players such as local businesses, convention centers or even real estate/travel agencies in order to recover an important part of their clientele and promote your establishment.


If the infrastructure of your establishment and its facilities allow it, you can also offer to host seminars, receptions by proposing an attractive pricing.

Sponsorship/ Patronage

To gain notoriety and make your establishment known, you can always resort to sponsoring or patronage. This is a contract by which the establishment finances a cultural or sporting activity in exchange for promotion or advertising of its brand. Your hotel will thus be able to start a promotional campaign at a lower cost with the aim of gaining visibility and benefiting from ideal media coverage.

Print advertising

The print advertisement constitutes a basic foundation of communication and marketing aimed at promoting a structure, product or service. It has the advantage of being an ideal material medium for memorizing and transmitting information unlike digital advertising.  Very practical in the world of advertising, it can be declined in several forms: flyers, leaflets, posters, guaranteeing readers the comfort of reading. Thanks to print advertising, you can easily promote your hotel by spreading your values as well as targeted messages for a better impact with your prospects and customers. Print advertising will thus support you for all the commercial aspect and guarantee the acceleration of your message dissemination.

Be featured in a tourist guide(s)

The tourist guides are opportunities to be seized by establishments that wish to develop their notoriety and get known at lesser cost by reaching a wide range of potential customers. To do this, simply target guides that fit your industry and the message you want to convey. The SBE guide is a guide that would meet your expectations in terms of hotel SEO.

Point-of-sale flyers, communication tools 2021

The flyers are essential advertising media to promote an activity, a service or a structure. They are designed not only to inform but also to give the desire to discover notably thanks to a pleasant, convincing and attractive visual that must hold the attention. By choosing this mode of advertising, you will be able to highlight the main information or messages to be conveyed. lAll accompanied by a graphic design that will highlight the standing of your hotel and will attract the eye of new prospects. But still, your flyer must bring an original dimension, sumptuous and distinguished that will perfectly reflect the brand image of your establishment. Each flyer distributed must obviously respect a certain number of rules and be the subject of strategic thinking upstream.

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